In LessonUp, you can disable lesson components in both classroom and shared lessons. To do this, navigate to the thumbnails on the left side of the editing screen (editor). When you hover over one of the thumbnails, a series of icons will appear on the right side.
The top icon determines whether a lesson component is visible during a classroom lesson. By setting this to 'grayed out', that particular lesson component will not be shown during a classroom session. The thumbnail will also turn 'grey'.
The lesson component becomes visible again during the classroom lesson by setting the icon to 'black'.
The middle icon indicates whether a lesson component is visible during a shared lesson. By setting the icon to grey, it will no longer be visible during a shared lesson.
The lesson component becomes visible again in a shared lesson by setting the icon to 'black'.
Using the above steps, you can also temporarily hide a lesson from students. For instance, this can be useful if they're not supposed to access the study material.
Note: In a shared lesson, this change applies to the students and is a modification that needs to be implemented accordingly. We've explained here how you can do this.
Keywords: eye icon