Ongoing assessment for learning is easy with our quiz question slide.Quiz questions consolidate previous learning and enable the teacher to quickly identify misconceptions. A quiz question can be used throughout the lesson: as an energiser, a mid lesson check or at the end.
Characteristics: dynamic, game element, activating prior knowledge
Question type: closed question, multiple-choice
Design: easy
Different work formats: *
Watch this instructional video about the quiz question:
Or read a step-by-step instruction:
Click +Add and then Quiz question.
Create a quiz question yourself or find one from LessonUp's lesson library (remember to enter the topic of your quiz to get relevant search results).
If you choose to create the quiz question yourself, a blank quiz question will be inserted. At the top, enter the quiz question. Enter the answer options in the white boxes. If you fill in only answer options A and B, students will also see only these two answer options.
Alternative answer options
The answer option defaults to text. There are also alternative answer options available, such as an image, a formula or an audio clip. You can change the answer option by clicking on the settings wheel.
One or more answers possible
Don't forget to tick the correct answer at the bottom of the slide. This allows students to see after the question whether they have entered a right or wrong answer. You can also choose to approve multiple answers, by choosing 'Select alternative answers'. You can now tick multiple correct answers.
It is not possible to have more than 4 answer options for the quiz question. If you are looking for this, we recommend working with a drag and drop question.