Besides the quiz question, open question and word web, a drag question allows you to enrich your lessons with even more interaction between the subject matter and your students.
Drag-and-drop questions allow students, independently or in class, to drag items to the right place in a LessonUp lesson. This creates a lot of options with learning techniques, such as making combinations, practising and rehearsing topographical knowledge or working with timelines.
Characteristics: challenging
Question type: closed question, reproduction, application and insight
Design: medium to difficult, depending on the work form
Learning technique options: ****
Watch this instructional video about the drag and drop question:
Or read a step-by-step instruction:
To create a drag-and-drop question, click the grey area in the editor with the white plus sign, or the '+ Add' button. Then choose the Drag & Drop question.
Drag and drop targets and drag components
A drag question always consists of two parts: the drag target and the drag component.
The drag target: is the place to drag to. The drag component: the component (text, image, hotspot, audio) to be dragged. Drag components are located under the '+ Component' button. Normal components are coloured blue, components that can be used as drag component are coloured yellow.
Creating a drag target
Click the red 'Drag target' button to create a drag target. A drag target appears in the slide. The drag target is identified by its red colour, and has a number.
When the drag target is clicked, a setting wheel appears. With these settings, it is possible to customise the drag target, for example by adding a background colour or image.
It is also possible to make the frame of a drag target 'invisible'. This makes a drag target invisible, but still present and functional. This option is good to use with, for example, a topographical assignment. In this article, we explain how to make a lesson item invisible.
To do this, click on the 'Drag and drop' tab within the settings. Then uncheck 'Show drag target icons and red border'.
Creating a drag component
Click one of the yellow buttons to create one or more drag components. A drag component can be a text, image, hotspot or audio clip.
A drag component appears in the slide. The drag component can be recognised by its blue colour, and has a letter. When the drag component is clicked, the settings of the drag component appear.
Connecting drag target and drag component
To use a drag and drop question, drag target and drag components must be connected. This connection can be done in different ways.
From a drag target:
βClick on the arrow next to the number and connect to the right letter.
From a drag component:
βClick on the arrow next to the letter and connect to the right number.
Using a drag question in the lesson
As with the other interactive elements within LessonUp, students with a device (smartphone, tablet or computer) can participate in the drag and drop question during the lesson.
With devices
Start the lesson by clicking on 'Teach'. A pin code will appear, as with the other interactive elements. After students enter this code on their device, their names will appear on the central screen.
When all students are logged in, the lesson continues the moment the teacher presses the arrow keys in the bottom right. A preview of the drag-and-drop question now appears. This allows an instruction to be given before the drag and drop question is started.
Click 'Start drag-and-drop question' in the bottom right-hand corner to start the drag-and-drop question. Students can now start the drag and drop question on their own device. The students can now move the drag and drop items to the correct place(s).