About Maia
Maia is your AI assistant on LessonUp. You can use her help to create a lesson structure or interactive lesson components for you.
How it works
You can use Maia's help for several purposes:
Creating a lesson structure.
Creating quiz questions or polls (read more).
Creating quiz questions or polls based on existing slides (read more).
In this article, we will discuss Maia's help in creating a lesson structure. Want to know more about Maia's help in creating quiz questions or polls? Then click 'Read more' behind the listing above.
Creating a lesson structure using Maia
To create a lesson structure* using Maia, you need to provide her with information. You can do this in two different ways: by providing information via text or information via images. We'll explain both options.
*We talk about a lesson structure because the slides Maia creates for you do not yet constitute a complete lesson. You need to check these slides and add suitable layout and images.
Create a lesson based on text
When you choose the text option, you then have the choice of providing Maia with an assignment. Such an assignment is called a prompt. In this article, you'll learn how to write a good prompt. When you write a prompt, Maia uses that information to create slides and she adds relevant information herself.
The other option is to provide Maia with a lot of information, such as by copying an extensive (public) article. When you choose this option, Maia uses only the information you provide to create slides. Maia does not add any relevant information to it.
Create a lesson based on images
When you choose the image option, you are prompted to upload images. Maia scans these images and creates slides based on the text in the images. So it is important that the images you upload contain text.
Optional settings
When Maia generates a lesson structure for you, you have the option to have additional slides added to your lesson structure. These options are automatically checked:
Lesson phases: this divides your lesson into lesson phases which brings structure to your lesson.
Activate previous knowledge: a mindmap is added to your lesson.
Exit ticket: an exit ticket is added to your lesson for reflection.
From lesson structure to lesson
Once you have provided Maia with information, she first creates a lesson outline. You can then choose which slides you want and don't want in your lesson. Of course, you can always add or remove slides at a later time. Always check for accuracy of the information. After Maia has created the slides, it's up to you to turn them into a complete lesson.
Want more information about Maia, including examples of prompts and a detailed how-to-guide? Then download the Maia manual.
Good luck and have fun using the AI assistant Maia. Do you have questions about using Maia? Send us a message via chat, we are happy to help.
Please note that this is a beta functionality. This means that this functionality is still under development. Do you have any feedback or comments? Let us know via the chat at the bottom right of your screen. We'd love to hear from you!