What does the Teacher Educator module offer?
If your school uses the Teacher Educator module, you can get a voucher code from your training coordinator to access LessonUp for free during your studies and teaching placements. With this voucher code, you can enjoy the following benefits:
Create and deliver unlimited lessons
Access all interactive features
Use the lesson library
Distribute quizzes
Set up classes
Customize content
Review lesson reports
Track student progress
Your voucher code provides access to these LessonUp features for one school year. You'll need to request a new voucher code from your training coordinator each academic year.
How to use your voucher code:
Enter your voucher code
Click 'redeem voucher'
Start using LessonUp!
Webinar series for trainee teachers
We've designed a webinar series specifically for trainee teachers. In these 30-45 minute webinars, we'll share our expertise in education with future educators like you. The webinars will cover the following topics:
Introduction to digital teaching
Creating effective digital lessons
Enhancing classroom interaction
Adapting to educational trends and changes
Wishing you a successful and enjoyable experience with LessonUp!