The most well-known sites for copyright-free images are:
Vectors and icons
The photos on Unsplash and Pexels are genuinely taken by photographers who want to share beautiful images, while on Pixabay, you can also find photos of random objects. Additionally, the images in Wikipedia are usually free to use, but this strongly depends on the license. The license is always indicated when you enlarge an image in Wikipedia.
Note: most free photo sites have partnerships with major stock photo companies like Shutterstock, Getty Images, and Adobe. Sometimes, you may be redirected to a site where you have to pay for images without noticing it.
Audio Clips
Forvo is very useful for modern foreign languages. On this site, you can find millions of short sentences and words in all languages spoken around the world, pronounced by native speakers. The clips are downloadable as mp3 files and can be inserted into LessonUp using an audio component.
This list is undoubtedly not exhaustive. If you think there's one missing that should be included, please let us know via or through the chat. We'd love to hear from you!