Redeeming a Voucher
To redeem a voucher, visit the website
Enter your voucher code and click 'Redeem voucher' to activate the voucher on your LessonUp account. If you don't have an account yet, you can create one on the following screen.
Redeeming a Voucher when logged in to LessonUp
In your account, under 'My LessonUp,' click on Voucher at the bottom left of your screen. A pop-up will appear to enter the voucher code; follow the steps.
Accessing Teaching Materials from a Channel
After redeeming a channel voucher, you will be directed to the overview of your 'Channels.' Here, you will find all your redeemed vouchers. Clicking on the channel takes you to the teaching materials.
Following a Channel
You do not automatically follow the channel. If you want to follow the channel, click on the 'Follow' button in the channel overview.