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LessonUp in itslearning
Updated over 2 weeks ago

In this article, we explain how the integration between itslearning and LessonUp works.

LessonUp offers an integration with itslearning. If your school uses this integration, you can distribute and teach LessonUp lessons to students directly from itslearning. Students can also access and complete the assigned LessonUp lessons within their itslearning environment.

The itslearning integration is available with the School Plus subscription. Is your school interested in this integration? Feel free to contact us at

The teacher environment

Creating the course in itslearning

Step 1
Log in to your school's itslearning environment. The email address you use must match the email address linked to your LessonUp account.

If you have already created courses here, you will see them listed.

Step 2
Click on 'Create Course' to create a new course. Please note that the course in itslearning will appear under the 'Classes' section in LessonUp.

Step 3
Next, add participants to the course. You will see a list of students from your classes, which you can add to this new course.

Step 4
Now, we will add lesson materials to the course. First, click on 'resources' and then use the 'Add' button to access the LessonUp environment. Your linked account will now load, allowing you to add your lesson.

Step 5
You now have the option to give the lesson a new name for the itslearning environment. On the right-hand side, you can add additional options to the lesson, such as a deadline, the homework feature, and the grading scale.

Step 6
In itslearning, you can view the status of each student for the lesson.

The LessonUp Environment
In your LessonUp environment, you can also view the class. When you add a lesson to the class, we create a lesson module where the lesson materials are placed. Here, you also have the option to view the lesson results.

The student environment

Step 1
When the student accesses the linked class, they will see the lesson distributed via itslearning in the module.

Students can also view the lesson and complete the homework in their itslearning environment.

Keywords: its learning

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